Pangram Detection Algorithm

Pangram Detection Algorithm

A pangram is a sentence that contains all the letters of the English alphabet at least once. It’s a fun challenge to write one, but it’s also useful in a variety of applications. For example, if you’re designing a typeface and language testing, it’s important to see how it would look in a variety of contexts.

Setting Up Our Algorithm

My solution

In this solution, I will use indexOf Method

The JavaScript indexOf() method is used to search for an element in an array and return its index number. It will return -1 if the element is not found. The syntax for the indexOf() method is indexOf(element). The indexOf() method is case-sensitive, meaning that A does not equal a.

  1. This function will take in a string as a parameter

  2. Make Array Alphabet String using .split()

  3. Find X Index in String Parameter.

  4. If the return value is -1, String doesn’t have All Alphabet.